QuestionI am trying to figure out what the laws regarding parking stall sizes are from city to city? Is there a federal standard for America or do cities have their own standards. Where can I get information.
Answerwow this one is something I have never thought of...
I would imagine that parking space sizes and designs would be subject to the local City planners and zoning board...
Good question, I will really have to check into this one, but I wonder now what the reason for the question is.
************* FOLLOW UP **********
Well I guess I deserve the negative feedback, as this really is not a towing related answer and I should not of even attempted to answer this question...
BUT here is a few things that I have found out which might help "MORE SPECIFICALLY"
There are Handicapped spaces which have height, length and width requirements which vary due to standard handicap permit parking or Van parking...
Then there are compact vehicle parking spaces and standard parking spaces, and some cities have that spelled out with further requirements for the amount of parking spaces which require the width of the aisles..
Now another factor is the MONEY end of this question, some parking garages try to cram as many spaces (revenue) in the space available.
But I guess all of that is a mute point as I was not specific enough to answer your "GENERALIZED QUESTION" with specific answers.