Towing Issues: towing laws, certified mail, nut shell

What if a car isnt registered yet and someone calls a tow company because of a blowout on a tire! What is the tow companys procedure before selling your vehicle?

well this is a semi loaded question...

What state you are in makes a difference in the way vehicle owners are notified.

But in a nut shell,  all vehicles have a unique 17 digit vehicle information number which can reveal who the last registered owner.

But if it is a new vehicle (like a 2008) it becomes harder to track, not impossible but hard.  
But a notice is usually sent via Certified mail to the last registered and legal owners of the vehicle, which gives the fees owed and the date of sale of the vehicle.

If the vehicle does not have any registered or legal owner information available in your state, they can run it in all 50 states for more fees, and or depending on state law, they can advertise the lien in the newspaper legal section for a certain period of time before having the sale.

Hope this provides some information for you.