Questionsan diego, california
i work at a mall in san diego and because of the holiday season, flyers were passed in the mall for its employees stating that we will towed or have a boot put on if we park near the mall in the parking that is close. in the flyer we are supposed to park in a parking lot on the other side of the mall and be shuttled in but there is no shuttle. so we've been parking in the regular parking lot and a mall employee got his car towed for parking there. is this legal if theres no signs saying private parking or for customers only?
AnswerMalls are always the big problem and as such are hard to have 100 % correct answers for towing issues from them ..
But in a nutshell the mall is still private property and as such the property owner - managers can make rules and requirements which deal with parking... Now as to having vehicles towed, sure they can, heck if they want to have a rule that only blue cars can park in the lots on Sundays they can do that.
Now as to no shuttle, well that I have no idea about how to handle that, maybe complain to the management of the mall..
But you should find that at the entrances to the mall are signs which state it is private property and that vehicles will be towed, which is standard policy most everywhere...
Sure you might find an entrance where there is no sign due to damages or it being destroyed but it should be there...
But remember that the management firm sent out notices (warnings) which said what would happen if you did not follow the rules spelled out...
California has about a Million laws regarding towing issues on the state level and then there are local laws which also affect the towing of vehicles.