QuestionI already went to small claims court i went before the judge and i filled out the papers wrong and the judge dismissed the case because i sued the wrong party i live in texas the judge told me to consult a lawyer because in a tow case you have a limited amount of time to file suit so since i filled out the papers wrong it has now been almost 30 days it happened on the 18 of sept. A tow company tow my car for know reason off private proerty. My manger told them not to tow from my unit but they did. I went the next morning to get my car and i returned home and told my manger. so she called the tow company and they agreed to returnto me a full the klast minute they back out. they also damaged my car. I LIVE IN TEXAS
Answer4 times asking the question is a bit much....
Sorry Contact A LAWYER is the advise I have
Original answer
Sorry for taking to long to get to your question, but as a volunteer to this subject, it has to fit into my work schedule... And it has been real busy for me towing trucks and buses.
That said, in reading this one I hate to say this but it seems that the laws in Texas are a bit different regarding the taking tow companies to court.. 30 days well if that is what the laws says then it is that way...
As to filling out the paper wrong that is bad as it ate up extra time..
I am sorry that you did not get the justice you wanted but my best advise is to contact a lawyer and see what can be done. Small claims court might be out but there are other venues available.
Sorry that you got towed and the vehicle damaged. It sounds like the apartment management did try to help you and get it back without you having to pay.