QuestionI live in Ohio. I received a notice on Monday that all cars needed to be moved from our street so it could be repaired. I moved my car, and returned home later that day ( I was at work) and my car had been towed. They had repaired the entire parking lot. I called my landlord and he said that he put out another notice I must not have gotten it. I asked him 3 times where my car had been towed to and he did not give me the information. Is there anything I can do?
AnswerOk I am lost here, you were parked on the street and you moved to a parking lot and now your vehicle was towed...
Ah was this in like a condo or apartment complex ?
If so then the property manager, landlord should of known who did the towing... I doubt the construction company did order the tow but it has happened before...
Or did you move off the street and into "someone else's" parking lot.. If that is the case then your landlord would not know who did the tow...
There is more to this question than is provided.
BUT call the police and they should know where the car is, as tow companies are supposed to call in vehicles towed so they do not get reported stolen... Now that could of happened also, it could of been stolen.
Best answer is to call the police and see what can be done or information gained.