QuestionI accidentally hit send and didn't realize my auto complete used a junk email account so I resent with a real one. Sorry for that.
To Answer your questions about my first question to you::
According to the security patrol they have he said he didn't know it was my car as he was the one who called. But oddly you can clearly see in the day or night where my sticker was and that it was clearly removed. The top left and right corners show where it was and that whoever peeled it off from both corners before ripping it off.
As for the boss :
They called around 1pm and kept calling till 4pm ish this doesnt count the 3 times I called and it wasnt untill the 2nd call when a worker their actually called their boss directly. The first worker refused to get me someone 'higher up' when I asked. They just said "we dont make deals and pay in full" before ending the call. Seems the number the complex has is his direct personal line. Funny enough the entire time he manages to call the complex but not me.
For the entire visit to their complex... I have a 3rd party who watched this as proof. Even they said "WTF they just dont really want to help you do they". He was really angry seeing another 'group went inside and got help while i waited outside because they said 'well be right with you one second'. And yes the girl just quickly swiped a razor blade over the paint marking not even getting any really off and the blade cuts are still visible on the window.
I dont know if I mentioned this first time but the 3 times I called I told them. Please look at the window you will see my tag had to have been stolen. Each time I asked them to look at it they refused and changed the topic. Their boss stated "our contract states with your complex 'no visible tag ' you get towed. So they said they didn't do anything wrong. I explained thats fine but there are mitigating circumstances to everything... he said pay the fine.
Now funny enough last night I walk the parking lot in my part of the complex and I could count the cars.. no permit. Cars with both windows... no permit...
Keep in mind the guard said were I got towed he 'called' because that little 15 car parking strip is where people keep parking illegally with no permit. So I got targetted not for having no permit but because I parked at that strip???!!!
We're ready to take pictures of the paint, markings and even pictures of the other cars we've seen with no permits. The company makes you pay all this yet vandalize your car, dont make attempts to clean the damage they do....
This is so confusing because I had to pay 285.00 (fee 45.00 late fee because I couldnt get the car out on the same day). I was punished for doing nothing wrong is what it comes down to in the end.
Also yes the papers they gave me do show all the pre damage on my car from dents to the broken front light, etc. Funny enough absolutely no markings saying about my passenger window OR the damage preexisting to my front winshield.
I dont know if this helps clarify things more.
Your first answer is very helpful thank you.
I dont know if these bits of info change your answer or not. We are not thrilled over this because there are lots of 'normal' cars with no visible permits who dont get towed here yet the broken car gets taken.
Answerwell there is a bit more information now...
How did the window get broke out? If it was a theft or you had something stolen, was there a police report?
Not that it would make a difference, but someone might of wanted a permit, and taken yours that way, like I said broke window is conductive to people taking advantage of it.
The fee, yeah that seems about right for what I know about rates in California (I am in Alabama)
As to the guard comments, about the 15 spaces being "prime towing spots" that is normal for every kind of location... Some are just "WORKED" more...
Now not to say that there might be something else going on between the guard and the tow company, but does the 15 spaces offer a better chance of success of removing the vehicles without getting caught (in California you have to drop for free if I got the rules right if caught before being hooked up and road ready, or at least a drop fee can be collected if ready to roll)
Most tows are taken on "ADVANTAGE BASIS" where the easiest go first...
Heck you know easy if always first to be done with anything...
One comment about all the other vehicles still being there also reminds me of something a state trooper one time told me ... When he is asked why he stopped only 1 vehicle in a pack of speeding vehicles...
His reply is
Ever go fishing ???
now back to the question, sure pictures of everything is good, after all if you go to court about this, then remember PROOF IS GOOD...
As to the markings on the vehicles, it sometimes is just up to the company policy about removing the markings.. Granted using a razor blade seems a bit to much at times its the only easy way to remove them... Does it cause damage to the vehicle, yeah it does...
Can you go after them for damage, yeah you can, but at times it depends on the "matter of the issue not the money involved"
And as the tow company going out and checking the vehicle and such as you asked, heck I have to defend them at the moment, because the have heard "every excuse and reason" for not having it towed or not paying to get it back... After a while it would get to be to much time involved to do each request.
I hope this helped you again