QuestionI have a 2005 Honda CR-V (UK specification - I live in London England) which
weighs 1553 Kgs. It is a manual transmission and the owner's manual says it
will pull up to 1800 Kgs.
I am looking to buy a boat which I will tow. The boat weighs 1730 Kgs and
the trailer will be near 500 Kgs which gives 2230 Kgs total.
I have received conflicting information about wheehtr or not I should tow this
weight with the CR-V.
If the trailer is a good one -- with its own breaks, can I tow this weight?
Will the CR-V be able to tow this weight?
If I will tow up to four times per year, with a maximum total mileage of under
500 miles does this make a difference?
Would you reccomend against making a log distance tow - say 600 miles in
one go?
Many thanks for your help and expertise!
AnswerI am sorry but this is out of my area of expertise...
But I have to say that your numbers look correct and of course they add up to more than it should "safely tow"
That is something to consider, as its going to be over the rating and Honda says that all the parts that make up the vehicle and the towing package are only rated for a certain limit..
Its like trying to lift 500 pounds with a 100 pound rated equipment, it can be done at times but most of the time it makes for a real disaster..
Also the towing, does add up on wear and tear on the vehicle, which is something to consider... You might be ok to do a few short trips but over time they will equal huge trips and as a result they will cause problems.
Sorry again for not really knowing the answers, but it happens at times.