Towing Issues: Abandoned automobile in storage, police tows, california dmv

My car was parked in Berkeley, CA in the same spot for more than 72 hours and is inoperable. It was towed and when I found out and called 3 days later, they told me that I owed them $656 and that if I didn't pay they would file a lien and I would be on the hook for thousands of dollars.  My car is a 1990 toyota and not worth much, and I am wondering 2 things. If I choose not to pay the money (which I dont have) what kind of fees and penalties am I looking at? And, secondly, are there any limits as to how much the towing company is allowed to charge per day or overall?

California is one of those states which has a huge amount of laws regarding the towing and storage of vehicles and the fees allowed to be charged for such...

There are rules also about the lien process and the procedures for disposal of vehicles.. There are rules also which cover the procedures based on the value of the vehicle also...

That said, the California DMV site has lots of information concerning the towing business practices..

This is just one of the sections available

I hate to say it but in regards to the question the amount of different variables are so great that I can not provide SPECIFIC ANSWERS as it has questions that you know the answers for.

But in regards to not paying the fees owed, the towing company will eventually get the proper LEGAL PAPERWORK and dispose of the vehicle... That said, they can then take the total owed and the total collected and go though the collection agencies to recover the money owed... This is covered under DMV rules...

As to the fees able to be charged, California recently changed rules (1-1-07) and they are supposed to be charging the same rates as ordered police tows..  Most everyone complies with the rules as they also have huge penalties for non compliance..

Check the rules and regulations and you might be able to find the stuff that really applies to your SPECIFIC CASE...

Hope that helps you