QuestionMy husband and I are trying to start our own towing and repair business and we have no idea where to start. We've tried a small business loan for financing but got the big NO on our presentation. Can you suggest a new avenue that maybe we haven't thought of yet?
AnswerI would love to be able to provide you with all the answers for this question, but not able to do that in reality...
( I have not finished my book yet (TOW COMPANIES FOR DUMMIES)
I would hope that you are in a financial position (have enough savings) to support your self personally for about a year plus have all the money to spend on the equipment and other business related expenses for that same time...
There is a saying in the towing business which can be applied to other businesses...
" Want to make a million dollars in the towing business, START WITH TWO MILLION"
Sorry, but from your question it seems that you are not in a position to make your business go, and that will be the biggest part of the problem... I doubt that you will find someone who will supply you with the money (take all the risks) while you enjoy the rewards of having your own business..