QuestionI recently parked on a street in Houston, TX that indicated cars would be towed between 6AM and 6PM. There were four other cars parked in front of me that were towed as well (we all work together and parked on this street).
When I picked up the car I had a parking citation stating that at 5:55PM I was parked in a tow zone. I can't prove when I parked, but it either a couple minutes before or a couple minute after six, either way was it was minutes. Lets assume I was parked before 6PM.
My question is this, because of the other four cars in front of me, there is no way my car could have been physically towed before 6PM. Should I have been towed or just given a citation?
Just wondering.
AnswerOnce again we get a question relating to time...
Ok, if they issued the tickets and ordered the tows,sometimes the parking patrol or officer has a tow truck or several tow trucks on scene, they will tow the vehicles instead of just issuing a ticket.. Why, well the law says they will do that..
(Side note, in Portland Oregon when I worked their the city had the tow trucks follow the parking officers and hook them up for towing as the tickets were being written up)
But as you admitted you did park there and it could of been a few minutes earlier than 6pm when you parked... Yes the officer has a choice at times, but the dealing with the PHYSICAL HOOK UP TIMES (some tow trucks take only 15 seconds to get your vehicle in the air and start moving, so the vehicles in front of you have no bearing on that.. It was there, when they indicated it was in violation.
Another example of towing kind of after the fact is when you are stopped and arrested for drunk driving, as they tow the vehicle after you are in cuffs and going to jail... YOU can not drive it then, but it's towed anyway..
Now another issue is that everyone wants to say that it was only 5 minutes they were there or something like that, and then they were towed.. Time does not matter, it is the fact the violation happened..
Plus, I bet your clock and watches are different times than the officers or my watch... Something to consider also.