Towing Issues: Towing my 1999 4WD Chev tracker, fort pierce fl, rialta

I would like to tow my 1999 4WD Chev tracker behind my 200 Rialta Fort Pierce Fl to Canada.I have installed a auto brake and a disengage on my front wheels on the tracker. My Rialta has a V6 VW with 135Hp
Can you pleasetell me what you would recommend versus  towing speed and what do I set the transmission at neutral or 2wd?


The towing guide at this location:

Says it is OK, but you have a 55 mph limit and after every 200 miles you should start the engine and run it in neutral to lubricate the system.

They also say that the owners manual should give you specific recommendations.

Set the 4WD shift to neutral if there is one, and I am not 100% sure about the tranny shift lever, but I suspect neutral.
