QuestionMy car was towed, but I only got a 24hr warning and they took it a hour before 24hr. Plus when I talked to the apartment office people they told me they give a two day warning. Another car has sat there much longer and barely runs and got a warning but they didn't check the car till days later to make sure they updated the tags. My tags went out this month! I live in Mesquite Texas. I know that by law the apartment complex suppose to give documentation before the lease is sign stating the consequences and rules of apartment parking. I did not receive any. I don't have the money to even take my car out and I feel as though they should take responsibility because I think it was an illegal tow. What would you do?
AnswerWell, since you signed a lease, the information is most likely in the lease paperwork, not a separate paper..
Unlicensed vehicles (you said your tags went out) are usually towed for that reason.. The other vehicle you described might have current tags... Also at times, (I know this sounds bad) towing companies do target vehicles they believe will get picked up over vehicles that will never be redeemed and end up costing the towing service money to dispose of..
YES tow companies are private business and not tax payer supported like police and fire departments.
The warning notice issue, well the property management does what they do and they "MIGHT OF " made a mistake, but I doubt it... There is always 2 sides to the story... I find that most people miss the first or second notice and only see the one that is on the vehicle after it was towed
Did you see the notice before it was towed ???
Did you do anything after you got the notice ???
Is this a legal or illegal tow ???
Only a judge can answer that question. I can not say yes or no.. If you think you have been wronged, then there is always the small claims court route.. BUT REMEMBER one thing, if the vehicle stays in the tow yard, you will have the price go up daily with storage fees and soon other legal paperwork fees will apply to the bill...