Towing Issues: 5th wheel towing question, dodge v10, latch assembly
QuestionWe are pulling 9900 lb 5th wheel with a 98 Dodge v10 2500 pick-up and the ride is not smooth. It feels like the 5th wheel is jerking every now and then when we are driving on a slightly bumpy road. As this is our first time towing a 5th wheel, we wondered if this is normal or if the truck is not big enough or needs bigger shocks or springs or something.
AnswerWell since I am not totally familiar with RV towing issues, I am going to say that my experience with any towing via a trailer hitch or 5th wheel assembly will always have a bit of slop in the latch assembly which will cause a bit of movement and jerking at times..
I am not sure if the truck is enough for that trailer as most people do tend to have a 1 ton truck doing the towing. It might be a bit much for the trailer, but I also know that towing capacity is usually figured for regular trailer hitch assemblies... 5th wheel towing is a whole different ball game as weight distribution is over the axle instead of off the back bumper area of the vehicle..
Perhaps someone else can pop in and help you with this answer.