QuestionI was visiting a friend out of town and got in about 2:15am and searched the whole complex for open visitors parking spots and non were available so I parked next to the visitors, but it did not have visitor on the spot. I came back outside to check again for spaces and by 3:30am my vehicle was towed. The complex just started with parking permits and I wasn't in anyones parking spot. The tenants were informed that if visitors did not park in those reserved visitors spots they would be towed, but they were not informed of what there visitors were to do if there were no spaces available. How is this right? I thought it was the complex who had to inform the tenants of all this information. Do I have any rights? There are 40 visitors spaces for a complex that has over 350 apartments. No visitor passes are available.
AnswerWell, I am going to start at the end... Parking spaces in apartment complexes usually have issues with not enough spaces for everyone who lives there and visitors...
Parking spaces take up space and as such do not generate revenue...
Now the permit issue, I would doubt that visitor permits could of been issued at 215am..
Now as to your friend knowing what and where you parked, I guess you did not ask where it was legal to park and not. Usually spaces are marked with who its for... Unmarked spaces might not even be a space. That might of been the reason it was towed...
Sorry to say, but its up to you as the driver to really park where you are legal to park... After all you say you could not find a space and as such parked next to the visitors spaces...
Now as to rights, I would talk to your friend, and or the apartment management and see where you are supposed to park or what you can get as help with this issue, but I do not expect much in the way of refunds..