Towing Issues: Bad tennant situation, soft tops, garage doors

My wife and I had to give notice to a roommate in the mean time he has become a complete ass blocking our garage doors so we can not park in the garage my wife and I both drive soft tops that need to be in the garage we have asked him on repeated occasions not to park in the driveway as there is plenty of street parking and he refuses and then becomes an ass when having to get woke up to move his car that shouldn't be there in the first place.
Also his car is not registered to this address the question is can I have it removed at his expense?

Well, as much as I would like to really provide an answer for this question, when it gets to tenant law, and other issues, I am going to say that the best answer is to talk to a lawyer about this...
It can get really complicated with issues..

I do not know what to say about him blocking the garage, what to do about that depends on if its a house you own, or if its a condo or apartment. There are lots of different rules about each.
It also depends on what state you are in.