Towing Issues: 93 Subaru Impreza towed by the city, subaru impreza, rear wheels

Hi, I just found out that my 93 impreza with 160k miles on it was towed by nyc marshals for outstanding parking violations. My car was parked with the handbrake on, it is an AWD car. It was towed about 15 miles to an impound lot. I am very doubtful that they put the car on a flatbed, I am almost certain it was towed on it's two rear wheels only. What will the resulting damage be if this is the case? Are they responsible for improperly towing the car? Thanks for your help,


Well hard to say about what damages MIGHT OF BEEN CAUSED if they towed it wrong..  Transmission damages, or other things COULD of happened..

Now I know that NYC marshals have a bad image and also have done lots of damages before..  But also as a city agency they are also exempt from lawsuits at times due to rules and regulations.. I think that they might..

Now I also know that the tow trucks have dollies (the little wheels on the back of the truck) that they can use to help get the whole vehicle off the ground  and that would help prevent damages...

Unfortunately I know that you will have one heck of a time proving how they did the tow and what equipment they used..