QuestionI was just towed for supposedly blocking a driveway. However i specifically
got out to make sure i would fit. It is going to be a fine of around $250 or
more, money that I am in no pace to shell out. The towing was not done
through the police, so how am i supposed to know if my car was really
blocking anything. I was done by a private company who would have no
problem taking it away. I live in san francisco, and people are very anal about
their parking spaces. If i must pay, I at least want to know it is for an accurate
reason. How should i go about this???
AnswerWell, I am not sure how to answer this question... Blocking a driveway (in an apartment complex or what ???)
Well, in most cases, California towing companies have been taking pictures of the offending vehicles (not all of them though) and that is proof of the violation... Now if it was towed from a parking lot or apartment complex, there would usually be someone there how authorized the tow.. BUT California law also says that some vehicles can be towed immediately for certain violations...
Now on to the paying issue, aahhh Yeah you got to pay to get the vehicle back... Is the fine reasonable? no one ever thinks that any fine is reasonable...
BUT rates are sometimes set by the city or county or even states as to fees that can be charged for the service of removing vehicles... BUT another thing to remember is that the business providing the service is not a PUBLIC SERVICE AGENCY like the Police and Fire Departments which are tax supported...
And as such, the business is allowed to set rates it deems acceptable to cover expenses...
You can check out the parking laws in SF by checking with the local police department or doing an online search of the rules and regulations for there. (one hint to find applicable rules is look at any tow away signs and see the code numbers listed, I can not do that as there are so many different rules in different areas that searching from a distance is real hard.)