Towing Issues: getting certified, google search, small fortune

i live in florida and decided to make a career of this, how do i become certified to small duty to big rigs, have class A already. i appreciate any knowledge you have.

My son got his license through the local Junion College truck driver training program.  That was in Illinois which doesn't do you any good, but I bet there are training programs in your area.

A google search of "Florida Truck driver training" got this link where you can probably find everything you want, but if not, just google the above phrase again, since lots of stuff came up.

I will give you the benefit of some of our experience.  My son decided he wanted to own his own rig.  He could not afford to buy new so started with a used rig.  Expenses kept eating his pay up, so he bought a newer rig, more expenses.  The companies he drove for didn't pay all that well.  From other friends I have that own their own rigs, they say being able to buy new with a big downpayment is the only way, and you keep trading so you have a warranty.  We even tried doing our own dispatching in the family...that was a huge amount of time though.  You have to work hard and almost never be home to make it with your own truck.  It is a great way to take a small fortune and make it zero out!

My son wound up selling his trucks at a huge loss and now drives short haul for a local company.  He doesn't have the prestige of owning his own rig, but he is home every night and is finally paying the bills.

Good luck, I don't mean to be a downer, lots of good people make a good living.  But it does take a certain mindset and you have to love the life.
