Questionmy car was tow in my apartment complex.i dropped the car off about 11am and by 5pm when i got off work my car was towed and i was charged 100.00, the only problem is i need the license plate for my other car so the car that was towed didnt have a license plate on it at the time.i live in the state of Florida, are they really able to get away with this?who should be held accountable for the towing fee,me or the apartment complex?shouldn't they first put a 24 hr warning sticker?
AnswerWOW, let me get this straight.. You use one license plate for 2 vehicles ??? Can you legally do this in Florida or anywhere else ???
OK the rest of the question now...
Responsibility of any and all towing fees and fines, tickets or what ever are the responsibility of the vehicle owner.
Only time that an apartment complex might be paying is if they made a mistake. This does not sound like its a mistake.
An "UNLICENSED VEHICLE or EXPIRED TAG" is the biggest flag of a vehicle that should not be parked in a complex. This is what most all the questions here are about.
Warning stickers, well they are just normally a courtesy in some areas, but they might of been on the vehicle for a while and you did not see them. Nothing says that they have to be stickers or bright colors.. A simple post it note can do the job...
I think you are in a jam here and this is one of life lessons, and they did it right. You are going to have to pay to get the vehicle back and get license tags for both vehicles even if that means paying for the tags, insurance and what ever else is required.
Also one note here, in Florida there is a law which says that any vehicle abandoned in a towing company yard which is not picked up can be reported to the state and drivers license or vehicle registrations suspended for all vehicles owned by the vehicle owner. Just a word to the wise and something to consider...