Towing Issues: car w/expired registration towed from assigned parking space, tow company, homeowners associations
QuestionFrom Maryland: I live in a townhome complex which has assigned spaces (house numbers are painted on the parking spaces). I left in June for an assignment overseas that got extended till the end of October. The car's registrtion expired at the end of Sept. and the car was towed from its marked space on Oct. 18th. the towing company said they have a contract with the Homeowner's association to tow any cars with expired registration. Is this legal? Is there any recourse for being reimbursed for expenses? My neighbor who is a policeman seems to think that this is not legal.
Answer Well first of all, sorry to hear that this happened. You can try to appeal to the tow company, they might work with you if they get a nice calm explained reason.
Now hate to tell you this part now. Various states have different laws regarding towing from private property. BUT homeowners associations can also write their own rules and enforce them on the property. One of the common rules is operable and licensed vehicles. I get a lot of questions on this subject.
For reference you should check your lease agreement where it should be spelled out.
IT never hurts to be nice and try to see if they can either reduce the fees or waive them. Never know what will happen.
Now I am guessing that you are in the military, I do believe there are a few laws that affect you and deployments.