QuestionMy daugthers car was parked in an adjacent building apartment building close to the university due no available parking space in the university parking space is this illegal towing without notifying the owner first. (place riverside california)
Answeraahhh if the vehicle is parked illegally its gonna get towed.
Sorry that you feel that the owner of the vehicle should be notified. Is it your daughters car or yours according to the title?
Reason I say that is lets say that you actually own the vehicle per DMW records and instead of you living in Riverside, you live in Mt. Shasta California.. Should the property owner or police wait till you can get there to move a vehicle which is illegally parked.
I hate to have the attitude, but do crooks notify you if you are going to be robbed, does someone tell you that you are going to be involved in a traffic accident.
I have a very basic and easy rule about parking, which as a tow truck driver trys to explain to people.
" If you are parking a vehicle where there are signs which say, who, or when or even how you can park, and you do not follow them, you are subject to towing. You have been notified at the point you entered the lot and past the signs"
Property owners pay for the property in taxes and purchase price. People always seem to forget that the parking lot is there for a reason, be it for say a McDonalds store for customers to park at, or an Apartment where tenants- renters park their vehicles.
It would be just like you living next to Wal-Mart and people parking in your driveway and going to Wal-Mart. You would want the unwanted-unauthorized- illegally parked vehicle removed.
While to many it does not seem legal or right, its actually the law that vehicles can be towed from parking or even non parking spaces without the owners knowledge or consent. Driving is a privilage just like parking is.
But of course there are more vehicles than spaces especially in areas of high person draws. Schools, Sports centers, apartments, stores, all have this kind of problem and as such towing companies respond to the propery owners wishs to remove offending vehicles.
Sorry for the long rant.