QuestionMy car was parked illegally in a parking lot at 8:00 on a Friday night and when I returned it was not there (two hours had passed). I was parked in a condo parking lot and because it was a game weekend there were many visitors and no more visitor spots available. I had to go about 2 miles down the road to pick it up late at night and I was charged $185 (for a Jetta) and my fiancé’s uncle was charge $235 (for a Hummer). When asked why they charged so much they replied "we can charge as much as we want because of 'idiots like that'" referring and pointing to a black man who was angry about his car being towed. (Which I believe was a racist comment, but that’s another topic.) Anyway, I was wondering if there is a limit on towing a car 2 miles away from where it was. Later that night I was out and I started up a conversation with a police officer and asked his opinion on the situation. He told me the same company had towed him 2 weeks earlier on a Saturday (during an away game) from the Publix parking lot which is about 3 miles further than the condo where I was parked making that trip about 5 miles. He was chaged $130. I am located in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. Can tow companies just make up a price and then demand that you pay them cash for it? Is there anything legally that I could do to make sure that this company is being fair to others? Thank you!
Answerok, sounds like an intersting story.
First of all, rates in Alabama are not regulated for prices on non consent tows. Vehicles removed from Private Property are consided towed under non consent tows.
Now the differant rates might reflect the extra equipment needed and hours of vehicle pick up.
Lets go to some basics, VW Jetta, Front wheel drive nosed into space.. Vehicle is usually picked up from the rear and dollies (little wheels you see on side of truck ) so that the vehicle can be towed without damaging it.
Hummer, ok , bigger vehicle 4 wheel drive, heavy, at times needs a bigger truck to be able to do the tow.
the officer towed from the Publix, might have vehicle which was nosed in and is rear wheel drive or front wheel drive backed in, or even able to access the front of the vehicle.
Do the tow companies make up rates, not normally, they are usually posted and established rates. Special equipment, dollies, extra labor will also affect prices.
If vehicles are picked up by the owner after normal business hours then there are usually extra charges as in Gate fees. Do not forget storage for the time the vehicle is at the tow yard.
As to the cash requirement, its basic business sense.
You parked and got towed against you wishs, you are mad. What do you think the odds are of you placing a stop payment on a check or disputing the credit card charge. The tow company did the job at the request of the police, property owner, property manager or someone like that.
Now you checking to see if the company is legal, well there are some laws that towing companies have to follow. But you as a private citizen will not have the authority to check insurance status, tax status, drivers licenses..
Better Business Bureau, will just take information and if there is complaint try to get the tow company to do something, but there are no teeth there. Reporting it to the police will get you the " its a civil matter "
Calling the media , well that just gets the story out, but most reporters will report only one side which will sell the story. Seldom is the whole truth told.
If you feel that you were wronged, you have the small claims court route.
As much as I hate to say it, at times lifes lessons are expensive. This might of been one of those lessons.