Towing Issues: Washington State Maximum Legal Towing Charges, tow truck operators, washington state patrol

Can you tell me if Wasington State law controls the maximum amount that tow truck operators can charge for a non-consensual private tow and storage, and if so what those rates are?

Washington State Patrol does regulate the rates on tows and storage which are ordered by the Patrol.. Many citys and counties have adopted the rates as limits for towing services for other law enforcement ordered tows.

How ever rates for towing vehicles from private property due to illegal parking or other reasons generally are not regulated. There are a few locations and or towing companies which utilize the WSP rates for those services as a general practice. This is so that there a uniformity of rates. But that is fairly rare to see that.

If you want to read a very detailed rules section about towing services in Washington state, you can check out this link here

For current rates and pricing of services ordered by the State Patrol you can contact them for the information.

If you are looking for infomation on pricing about what the industry calls " Private Property Impound" towing rates, you will find each towing service charges what they think is fair market value for their services.  

Sorry I could not be more specific with the answers, but the RCW information will help you alot with information on what is required. Its a good point to start looking at..