QuestionMy car was towed for alleged 'unauthorised parking' in a strip mall
parking lot. It's a Volvo S40 T5 AWD - normally it's a front wheel
drive but it goes into AWD when it detects that the front wheels
lose traction. The tow company claim to have put it on a flat bed -
but I know that the vast majority of their tows are done with the car
travelling backwars - the rear wheels up and the front wheels on
the ground travelling in reverse direction. How likely is it that
they've damaged the car?
AnswerWell, unless you have real proof that it was towed any distance (more than a few feet to gain access for dollies) I think you will have a hard time determing if they did use a wheel lift and dollies, or no dollies. Flatbeds are good for use and lots of companies use them for all kinds of tows.
Now as to determine if they have damaged the vehicle I can not say anything about that. Certain things can be visable, and some are internal damages which can not be determined.
I think its going to be a he said, you say thing right now.
Sorry for the lack of information...