Towing Issues: More Beaverton, Oregon Fun!!, oregon laws, oregon law

Ok. Last evening, I went to pick my son up at an apt complex at his friend's. I come back to my car 10 minutes later, and this tow truck is backing into my car, so I'm pretty puzzled.  He is looking over his right shoulder backing up so I knock on the window at him and say, "Yo, whassup?"  I am told...I parked in a white-striped area which I did not even see. The area was very dark. To the left of that spot was a handicapped spot; I find out they are partners, those 2 spots- the stripey one for access for maneuvering equipment out of the handicap-vehicle.  So one, I didn't see it, two, why wasn't it marked with an upright blue sign like that other one, and three, how come I'm almost 50 and never knew this about the dual-spot deal there? Ok so great. I screwed up. My bad. I've never parked in a handicapped zone in my life...on purpose.

I'm thinkin' phewwww! Just in the nick of time.. well, to the tune of 105.00 for his trouble "trip."  Yea, the trip he had to make from the other side of the parking lot where we had seen him tootling around lying in wait...  And I'm telling you, this guy was a chore; young and loving his authority big time.  So after much kavetching, I give him $105.

Today, I'm online checking out if that went down right.  I find you guys here... then I found some ordinances for Beaverton, nothing in Washington County except references to Oregon law.  The Oregon laws say Mr. Happy Tower can't charge me unless he's hooked up and on his way; he was not. He had only just backed up.  I call the number on the receipt, and this chick tells me that that law doesn't apply to Beaverton.  I said it didn't seem right that a local law could supercede a state law, but ya know, I'm open to it.  She said here in Beaverton, you know, they can pretty much do whatever they feel like. I said, "Really, does that fit for all of us in Beaverton?" Cool! They charge everyone a minimum of $105; that other law is for Portland. oy vay. I said, great, where can I read that with my own eyes.  She said she "has no idea; it's just what her boss told her."  She said, "I mean, you really want to mess with it?" I said, uhhhh yea.  It's 100 bux.  I was thinking, if it's not such a big deal, well then send it on back! Besides, I'll spend $500 getting it cuz that guy was a @##$$%%^&$$##... and I'm pretty dang fun!! Wild.  No. They do not have the laws there.  No. She does not know who regulates the towing industry. She has no idea. She just knows that's how it is. That's how it's always been.  She offered, maybe I could try calling the records department at the courthouse on Tuesday. Oh man, this is cracking me up writing it.

So. Now that I've entertained you with my little Beaverton Towing escapade:
1. I don't think that signage was adequate. From reading the ADA stuff, sounds iffy.  Sure looks by my reading that there is supposed to be one there, but it isn't THAT clear.
2. Who's running this ship and making the rules? City? County? State? Osama bin Laden?
3. And where can I find the specific laws/ordinances/rules about it-if it's the City, I don't see it.  WA County refers back to the State of Oregon.  If it's the State of Oregon, schwwiiinnnggggg.  I'm calling littly missy back with a newsflash!

Okay. I'll go now.

Well  the differance between general impound signs and disabled signage always have some issues.  The ADA rules are kind of vague at times.  I agree on that with you ..

Now as the rule issue, there are Federal laws that are BEING PROPOSED regarding private property impounds. But they are not workable yet.  
State law is the next level which covers the signage and all that.  Then some areas have city or county laws.  
Beaverton has some laws regarding the towing issue..  Now with the company trying to tell you that some laws do not apply    LOL good one.  There are laws there, (but I am way out of practice in Beaverton or Portland )  
Now the person on the phone is usually not up to all the laws and regulations regardng the impounding of vehicles. This really does become visable when they tow from several citys.  

Now for SPECIFIC laws regarding Beaverton, get ahold of the Police department. They will have a towing officer in charge of rules and stuff regarding the towing laws.

Now if the vehicle was not hooked up and not being either lifted and moving its not legal.  BUT have to say that some of the trucks that are used in impounding the driver does not have to get out of the truck at all to lift and take you car in lots of cases.   So it can be hooked up and legally able to take and collect a " drop fee " or what ever they call it.   How fast can you take a vehicle with an Automatic transmission and shift from Reverse to drive. That is how fast if can be hooked and lifted and moving .. BEEN THERE DONE THAT with customers looking at the vehicle leaving the lot while standing right there trying to put the key in..

Now I think from the sounds of what you told me, they did not follow some laws, and I would always keep the small claims court idea around so that you could get your money back if you decide to go that way.

Hope this helps a bit