QuestionAfter my son's car broke down , he pushed it to a place of business and parked it, with hazard lights on, in a legal parking spot furthest from the building (there are at least 200 spots on the premises, most of which are empty). He went inside and spoke with the building manager about the situation and said he would be back as soon as possible to retrieve the car. The manager seemed to be understanding. The man did have my son's phone number. When we went back the next morning, the car was gone, it had been towed with the persmission of the building manager. They gave us the tow company info and we contacted them right away. The towing com. said we couldn't pick it up until the next day, Saturday, after 10:00. Was this an illegal tow or is the guy just a slimeball? Thank you
AnswerWell I hate to say it but I have run into that problem before. Its a typical case of left hand does not know what the right hand oked..
It sounds like a legal tow on the most part, as the car was there but was not really a part of the business daily operations. If I follow this right , the car broke down on Thursday night ? and you went back on Friday to get it.
IF thats true then maybe an overnight manager - security guard had it towed under the managers name. Still legal as they are agents of the owner or manager and most likely have the authority to do so.
Now in the last part I am wondering why you could not go get it till saturday ?
Out of curiosity, in the fees charged was there a " GATE FEE or AFTER HOURS FEE or WEEKEND RELEASE FEE " charged ?
If you wanted it out during normal business hours Monday to Friday from like 8 AM to 5 PM you should of been able to get it out with the normal towing and storage fees being paid. IF you had to wait till Saturday at their request and then you have to pay for special release fees, that sounds fishy...
hope this helped