QuestionI have a car that was damaged in a tow. The twoing company claims they used a flat bed; i had the car taken in for an estimate and the mechanic there said that driver improperly slid his wheel lift under the car, which damaged the exhaust system. I have pictures of tire marks down my driveway.
My question is, what damage can be caused using a flat bed, versus using a wheel lift. It seems to me that using a flat bed there would have been no tire marks. Thank you
Answer Well now, it seems that this question is very proper and correct in the fact that both systems can damage a vehicle.
Now as I do not know what kind of car you have, but I am going to pick the common Honda for right now.
If you are like most people in the world that drive, you pull your vehicle into the driveway and park. This means that your front wheel drive vehicle is nose in. Now if this vehicle was towed with a flatbed they would slide the bed back and tilt it down till it touchs the ground.
BUT this creates an angle of approach which is like trying to drive up a steep driveway. It is very possible if the bed and the exhaust system touched that damage could happen.
Now by using just a wheel lift, there are also chances of damage happening. Not lowering it enough, picking up and not having enough tilt, that or just in tow having it hit during a bump or dip.
Now as to the tire marks, there would be more of a chance of having marks with using a flatbed. If there were no keys and the vehicle was front wheel drive and with no keys. The vehicle would have been slid onto the deck of the unit. Now with a wheel lift they would of had to pick up the rear of the vehicle and then place dollies on the front..
Now if you got pictures of the marks I take it that its skid style marks.
Now yes, the chance for damage is there, and if you have not then I would contact the towing company and discuss it more. This might also take them RELOADING the vehicle.
I hope this helps you...