I live in CA, and my boyfriend was recently in an accident which totalled his car. We had to tow it somewhere so he could figure out what to do with it. The closest place was his friend's (rented) house on a residential street. However, the street was pretty packed with cars and we ended up parking the car in front of the neighbor's house across the street. We are waiting to hear from a pick and pull company to buy the car, and it has been sitting there for a week now. Is it legal for the owner of the house to tow the car? Is the street considered his property? WHat law would either allow him to do this or restrict him?
Thank you for your time, I really appreciate your help.
Answerwell, Tracy, got to say one thing... California has strange laws, but they do not allow for a private person to call for vehicles to be towed off the streets directly..
They can call the police department and request that they remove it. But unless its deemed a health or safety hazard there is a bit of a delay in having it removed. Now that could be anywhere from 1 day to a week or more...
But if they are in a housing assocation area then there might some other rules and regulations where they can have it towed. Private developments have some covenants about what and how long vehicles can be parked. That also varies between the associations.
But as a general answer there is no legal rights for the neighbor to have the vehicle towed from public streets..
I would keep on the place you are trying to sell the vehicle to so that it does not cause any problems which could cost more money.
Hope this helps,