QuestionI am very interested in a car that was picked up at a local towing service, that they have had for over 1 year. i talked to him, and he told me he didn't have a title for it. he did say that he could do the legal paper work, but it would cost around $200. I am the type of person that is a do it yourselfer, it saves me money. is there any way that I can get the title for this car and save the extra money or do I have to go through him to get this done?
AnswerShane, sorry but first of all, the lein papers that he would have to do are usually a version of a mechanics or possessionary style.
But differant states have differant rules and regulations. Just depends on where you are at.
I would think that he knows the laws a bit better than you might and what he is saying is true.
In this case i think it would be wiser to have him do the laws, because there are many diffeant things that can go wrong.. Things as simple as smudged writing can void the paperwork and require it started all over again. Then there are always prior lein holders ( ie finance companies , banks, title loan companies ) who sometimes do not show up in the inital searchs.
I know in some states, private citizens can not get the vehicle ownership information required to start the process.
sorry but I would suggest that if you are really interested in the vehicle let him do the paperwork.. Also remember that he will most likely want some $$$ for the towing and storage also of the vehicle which is the reason it came into his possession in the first place.