Towing Issues: Car FELL off FlatBed Tow truck while Driving!!!, grand prix gt, bussiness card

HI, I called someone to tow my 97 grand prix gt car becasue it was out of gas and when i put a gallon in there, it still wouldnt start, so i called a person that i found his bussiness card in a store, he came and towed it, i was with him in the truck at that time, we drove on highway and i looked at the car and it was moving here and there, i asked him are sure its tight and it wount fell off, he said oh yeah i tow cars from the junk yard every day, i was like JUNK YARD!, am like this is not a junk car, he said i know downt worry, its a flatbed tow truck, i mean he had on his bussiness card that he tow cars/truck/vans and SUV. So after we took the exit we needed off the highway, the car Fell Off the truck and just stoped, there was a school bus full of kids behind us!, i was like thanks god it didnt his that bus or any accdent, i didnt call police, he said hell pay for any damage(becasue he works for him self,not a comany) at that time he towed off the way and we took it directley the mechanic and he said that there is a transmtion leak!. He didnt give me a recpit, is there any way i can prove to court that he towed my car and damaged the transmtion, can i record his voice while am talking to him on the phone so hell get into convertion about what happened, i really thank you for your time. Kal

WOW,  this sounds like a horror story in the making.

First of all, I really hate to say it, but from the sounds of it, he did not have the vehicle hooked up to " FEDERAL LAW " and industry standards and practices.

The vast majority of towing operators follow the law and use the right equipment. Flatbed towing is supposed to be safe and proper ways to tow various vehicles, but its not needed for every vehicle.   Off my soap box now..

From the sounds of it, he did not tie the vehicle down and relied on the parking brake and transmisson to hold it in place.  Since he mentioned that he tows for junkyards all the time.  I am willing to bet that the deck of the flatbed was oil covered. Hard to make anything stay with oil letting it slide.

As to the vehicle falling off, man you got lucky with it not hitting another vehicle. (Lawyers love to go after the deep pockets )  

I think I would of called the police if it had happened to me, or the bus driver should of. Now by chance do you have any information on the bus driver or company.  

Him taking it to a repair shop, well that is good, transmission leak?  hard to say if the falling off damaged something or if what ever he had hooked with the cable to get the vehicle onto the truck was the cause..

Receipt?   well with no receipt, it would be hard to go to small claims court, (thats where it would be handled ) and for you to prove that he did the tow.  It would look like a vendita against him. Check out the small claims court for information on filing.. They might help or tell you not to pursue it.

If he is the owner of the company, well then its not good at all.  If he works for someone, this may be a "side job" for him to make a few $$$$...

Recording the voice, and trying to trap him into anything, well I am not a lawyer, but I bet it will not work in court.

I hate to say it but I see no resolve in this problem, but hey you might get lucky.

WORD to the motoring public though. As much as all towing companies sound bad, MOST ALL OF THEM are not bad apples. There are lots of great companies.
Personally I would check out a few of them with friends and see what they say about their experiences. Find one that you hear good things about , and get a card and keep it.  That or join a automobile club, like AAA, Good Sam, United States Auto Club, or Allstate, or get towing insurance on your auto insurance plan or on your cell phone.  Something is always better than nothing.

This way you will hopefully not have problems like this..

By the way,   did you have to replace the fuel pump on the car after running out of gas.  Nowadays with most all the fuel pumps in the tank, running low or out causes the fuel pump to overheat and quit working.   

Always keep at least 1/4 tank of gas in there, to help prevent this from possibly happening..