Towing Issues: Towing Florida, tow company, campus security

Recently at graduation in Tallahsse on a saturday
lot sign says no parking 7am-6pm Monday thru Friday. Parked car came back it was towed whats the legal stand on that

well on the outside it looks like it might of been a bad impound.  Hard to say but knowing the area around the college down there in Tallahassee ( I am 80 or so miles away ) it is full of parking lots that regulate or charge for parking.

Now I seem to remember something in some towing news lately about the city and or police getting involved in controling the private property impound issue down there.  

For the life of me I can not find it right now.

But on to basics, it appears from your comments that parking was allowed during off times.  Now are signs posted at the entrances ?  was the lot used by other cars ?

Were the signs saying who was going to tow you, the same company as the one that did ?

Now towers have to obtain signatures to remove vehicles. But some areas have blanket authorizations for what is called patrol towing, which is the removal of any offending vehicle without the property owner, manager or leasee present.  This is where the rules get gray..

IF this is a " PATROL LOT " for the posted hours, then just maybe an overzealous tower removed vehicles when he was not supposed to.. Most people will pay the fee and get the car back and not follow up on the incident.

If I was you, I would go to the tow company, and find out who called for the impound and also see if you can get the propery owners name also.

See if you can find out when the tows are supposed to be done also.. This is key to finding out if the tow is valid or not... Check with the university if they are real close to the lot also... Campus security might know about the conditions for tows.  

Now nothing is to stop the property owner from having vehicles removed at any time even if they have signs saying certain hours of enforcement.  

I think this will be just a start for you on this,  feel free to get back with more information if you need to discuss it more..
