QuestionI am trying to get my vehicle towed off of "private" property. The property itself is actually owned by an agricultural company, but my ex-boyfriends parents rent a trailor on the field where my vehicle is parked. To have this vehicle towed from the property by a towing company (such as: AAA, because I am a member and can get free towing up to 100miles!) would I need written authorization from the agricultural company that owns it? Or do I need to get permission from the people that live there? Also, can you please inform me of any other steps I may need to take, to ensure that this is a successful and LEGAL tow? I reside in California and the vehicle is located in the San Benito County. Thank you for your time! -Beth
Answerwell this is one of those wonderful gray areas.
First of all it sounds like a bit of a "CIVIL MATTER " I am taking the information you provided to mean that you are no longer allowed on the property by the EX or the ex's parents.
First off is the car registered in your name? Is it " STREET LEGAL " and in running condition.?
AAA is designed for EMERGENCY ROAD SERVICE, which translated means broke down on the roadway or such. It is not designed to be a " CONVENIENCE TOW " system, such as I got a car that needs to be moved and I know I can not drive 2 cars at the same time.
Now the Motor club will require you to be there in person to sign the paperwork and present your membership card to get service.
Now if you are really concerned about the LEGALITY of the tow and being on the property, you can always call the sheriffs office or City where it is, and have then do what is called a Civil Standby while you take possession of the vehicle.
There are a few other things that are able to be done, but this is a start. I know a few people in california that I might get ahold of if we need to go further into this ..