Towing Issues: towing, trailer hitches, differant types

Is there a stanard height the ball should be above the ground. I want to purchase a ball mount insert for a receiver hitch and they have several styles. I am looking for a ball mount that will work for most general purpose towing.  

I don't believe their is a standard height,but I can not say for sure. I know that one ball mount insert will not work for all types of applications do to all the differant types of trailers out their. They make the 2" the most common ball but then their are those the have the neck that are the same with the ball head that you can change according to the size of receiver you need. The best place to go and get the question answered would be your local u-haul dealer that installs trailer hitches, most do.I hope that answeres what you are looking for. Sorry a could not help you any more than that.