Towing Issues: Towing Laws, tow operators, tow companies
QuestionI have a question regarding towing laws. Unknowingly I parked my car overnight in a parking lot of a resturant that was restricted. The next morning when I went to retrieve the car it had been towed. The company that towed my car did that about a half hour after I left the car. The charge to get my car was $160.00. My question is this, I thought the manager of the establishment was required to be there when a car is towed? I know that towers have to wait an hour before they tow but proving they violated that law is next impossible. Is there a place to obtain a copy of towing regulations and or laws? Thank you for your time.
-Mo Arellanes
AnswerI'm not sure which state you are a resident of,but in Calif. where I live the vehicle must be parked for over an hour and a manager or property owner must sign the tow operators invoice. You can find the California Law in the vehicle code book which is available at the public library or the DMV. DMV charges a few dollars for a copy. The California code is 22658(a). Also the posted no parking signs must quote this section and be clearly visible and the police phone number must be on it.
Again, in Calif., the tow company is required to contact the police department and supply the license plate number 1 hour prior to tow. If you could verify with the PD what time the plate was called in and compare it to the time on the tow companies invoice you may be able to prove it was an illegal tow for being towed less than an hour after calling in the plate.
They may give you a hard time, but see if the tow company will supply you with a copy of their invoice with the responsible parties signature and use that to find out if the person who signed is authorized.