Toyota Repair: 89 Toyota pickup sr5 4x4 auto

I live in Nebraska and as the wind chills have been getting below zero, my truck has been acting up. As of now, when I go to start it in the morning, I turn the key (all gauge lights on as normal)and the delay before the starter kicks on is longer depending on how cold it is. It has fired every time but it is a rough start for 10 seconds or so then runs fine. I am mostly wondering about the delayed start when key is put into start position, and if this delay is causing the cold start injector to dump a bunch of fuel into the motor. I have no service history, bought the truck a few months ago and had no problems when warm. When engine is warm there is no problem. Thanks

Toyota Repair: 89 Toyota pickup sr5 4x4 auto
starter relay  
Hello, you may want to add an additional starter relay, 'solution' has been around for quite some time but it works, refer to the diagram that I have attached, the relay is a simple universal headlight or starter relay available at the autoparts store.