Toyota Repair: headlights wont turn off

I recently bought a 1981 Toyota mini motor home in Arizona, and after breaking down twice on the road--and making two trips to Arizona-- I was finally able to get it home to Texas after a new head, head gasket and oil pan gasket were installed.  It drives great--17 miles to the gallon!  I had no further problems with it until I drove down my bumpy gravel driveway and the headlights wouldn't turn off.  My brother looked at it, moved some wires and the headlights went off, but came on again.  I've put a lot of money in the motorhome and cringe at the thought of possibly having to put in a new wiring harness.  Any ideas?

Hello, wiring harnesses can be repaired by splicing new wires in, preferably using the soldering method, then insulating the affected wires, the difficulty is finding where the problem is, in this case it sounds like you have found the general area of the problem, cut the outer insulation of the harness open and locate the open/short circuits, they used what's called splice points a lot in the earlier models, these are wires that are soldered together and wrapped in tape, these can corrode or break over time, you also inspect the fuse box under the hood for corrosion of the fuse terminals as well as electrical harness to harness connectors.