Toyota Repair: Previa Cruise Control Problems

QUESTION: "You can get the trouble code by opening the cover of the diagnostic connector on the left side of the driver's seat.
Put a jumper wire between terminals Tc and E1.
(a) Turn the ignition switch on.
(b) Turn the control switch to SET/COAST or RES/ACC
position, and keep it.
(c) Push the main switch ON.
(d) Check that the indicator light ”CRUISE” in the
combination meter.
(e) Turn the SET/COAST switch or RES/ACC switch off.
(f) Meet the conditions listed below.
(g) Read the diagnostic trouble code on the cruise
control indicator light."

Followed this procedure & got 1 long flash followed by 2 short flashes = code 12? where is the chart to interpret this code?


ANSWER: The code is for a cruise control actuator malfunction, check the wire connector on the actuator under the hood, make sure the cable is attached to the throttle linkage and check the brake lights

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks again for the prompt answer. One additional question. My after market repair manual doesn't have diagrams or locations for any CC components.
When you say the Actuator is "under the hood" do you mean at the front of the vehicle or under the passenger side engine access cover.

Toyota Repair: Previa Cruise Control Problems
cruise control  
It's actually located under the dash on the Previa, they are not cheap, about $1200 so I would spend a little money to have a technician do some specific tests to verify it is bad before replacing it, I have given you the most likely cause for the code but it could be a  wiring issue as well
I am attaching a picture of the location