Toyota Repair: Wow!!
QuestionYou are a Toyota expert and you can't even time a 7AFE engine? Can you say MORON? I can. Don't call yourself an EXPERT if you can't do that simple task. Are you an expert lube tech? That I can believe. Definitely NOT an expert toyota tech ... I teach the toyota TPAT program and you are a low rate hack, at best .... leave the real work to the professionals. You are the reason that real techs get a bad rap.
AnswerI don't recall telling anyone that I don't know how to time a 7AF-e engine, maybe you have me confused with someone else, it's possible that I rejected your question, that is my decision, out of more than 10,000 questions I have answered here over the past 12 years yours is only the second one that drew this kind of response, I would also suggest to you that you look at my past answers and ratings before calling me names, HAVE A GREAT DAY!