QuestionFirst I would like to thank you for the kindness you show others with the many people you have helped throughout the years.
"PAY IT FORWARD" is my favorite movie and this proves there is definitely a form of such going on here in this world! And you are a part of such beauty!!! Thank you! Harry
I will donate only a small amount at this time as I am broke however cash flow should be better in four weeks and will remember you again then!
Car is: 2000 Toyota Avalon XLS
I started my car to day and started down the street. I did not get far and noticed that the dash was turning on and off. The gas would drop to E, the clock, compass, and other information was turning of and then back on. The ABS light and other lights were as well doing the same off and on. I turned around and made it back home only to get the sunroof closed and all windows stuck down because of a dead battery. I jumped it this evening and it started right up and all windows are closed.
I checked the belt and it was tight. I am not really a mechanic however I can do some stuff my self. The car has a new alternator and battery. Alternator last 90 days and battery within last year. I also had my A/C quit working 4 weeks ago as well. In the past when this happen I could hit the A/C button on and off and it would start back cooling. That is not the case now!
I have read in other places and saw this could possibly be an alternator diode issue? However when I found you on here and your resume; I realize when in trouble go to the experts of such things! My thoughts are I have gotten a faulty alternator or a bad diode of such an alternator. Or my computer possibly? Could there be any connection of such and reason for the A/C failure. The mechanic stated it was the compressor and that a piston was frozen up? Curious about these answers! This is a new mechanic for me...
AnswerHello, I will tru my best to help with this, do you have a volt/ohm mete ravaialble or can you get one, it does sound like the alternator is not charging the battery up sufficiently, Try disconnecting the electrical connector from the a/c compressor and see if the condition improves, if you have a voltmeter measure the voltage directly across both battery terminals, if the alternator is chargin ghere should be about 13.5 volts measured.Let me know the results.