Toyota Repair: Fixed glass in rear door, triangular frame, blue masking tape
We have a 2003 Camry that at highway speeds produces wind noise around the fixed glass window in the rear driver's side door. Do you know if the remedy involves replacing the seal or is there some other solution required or recommended? I have done things like replace door regulators, but don't know if special tools or skills are required to fix this problem. The car has 76,000 miles. Thank you for your response.
AnswerThe first thing to do is to be sure the seal around the glass is not damage, also check around the roll down window and check the seal around the door itself. To remove the fixed glass the entire frame has to be removed, the regulator and motor has to come out as well as the roll down glass and the channels, then the triangular frame containing the glass can be removed, this is a time consuming job so I would make sure this is what actually needs to be replaced.
Get a roll of duct tape or better some of that blue masking tape about 2 inches wide or so, apply tape to the outside of the suspected area, drive the car, if the noise is still there apply tape to a different position in the same area, do not remove any tape until the noise is reduced, this way you will know that the last application was where the problem is.