Toyota Repair: 1992 Toyota pickup wont crank, fuse box, toyota pickup
QuestionWe have a 1992 Toyota pickup, manual transmission, 4 cylinder that runs great. I left my husband's lights on and it ran down the battery completely. Now it won't even try to crank. We have tried jumping and pull starting. We realize it's electrical. We have ACC and the key buzzes but it doesn't even click when we try to start. We do have headlights but no tail lights. We have checked all of the fuses that we can see are possible. Where do we go to try and locate the electrical problem or finding the short the easiest. Is it possible to have a bad ground if we have the ACC's come on.
AnswerUnder the hood in the fuse box is a large 80 or 100 Amp alternator fuse, this supplies power to many circuits for the engine to run, check this fuse. If ok check the battery connections, make sure the clamps on the battery terminals are not crackes, loose or corroded.