Toyota Repair: 1997 Toyota t-100 pickup, fe engine, pressure valve

My trucks engine light went on. I drove back 3 miles. Engine oil leaked out. Hardly any oil. Put in oil and drove to repair shop. They replaced "oil pressure valve" and gasket. They said the engine was clinking, made internal sounds. It had an internal problem. The truck has 230,000 miles on it, but, could it be repaired? It seems to have more exhaust than before. After it warms up, the pinging sound goes away. I thank you for any advice on this. I love the truck.

I think it sounds like it's time to replace this engine, internal noises are not good news after engine oil leaked out. I would recommend against "repairing" this engine it may end up costing more than a remanufactured unit, this truck uses the 3VZN-FE engine and they are also available used or reconditioned from a few suppliers, check online.