Toyota Repair: Toyota Camry wont start when hot, air control valve, toyota camry

My girl's 95 Toyota Camry 2.2L Le started by not starting when we came out after shopping until it cooled down.Now it has started to stall after only running for a short while.Could this be bad gas? I replaced the air and fuel filters with no effect-my next plan is to siphon all the gas out and replace it with high test, I guess.Could this be a vacuum line or emission sensor problem?

Hello, it may be a problem with the idle air control valve which a common cause for this type of problem, the valve is located at the bottom of the throttle body which has to be removed to get the valve off, I would recommend replacing it to solve this problem.
What usually happens is the valve will start to hang up due to excessive carbon deposits, sometimes they can be cleaned using a can of decarbon spray and a brush, both available at most autoparts stores.