Toyota Repair: Bad Manifold, toyota tundra, diagnostic fees

QUESTION: Hi, I just want to know is there a diagnostic test indicated for a cracked manifold and a leaking rack and pinion.  My technician told me I would not be charged because the vehicle was recalled and I believe he is charging me for the diagnostic to cover up the labor.  He indicates the technician inspected and found both my manifolds were cracked.  Please advise

ANSWER: What yesr and model toyota is it and how many miles on the odometer?
Is this mechanic at a toyota authorized dealer or somewhere eldr?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: The year and Model is a 2001 Toyota Tundra with 120,000 miles and the mechanic is an authorized toyota dealer.  Thanks for responding

There is a recall for exhaust manifolds for a noise issue, there is no mileage or time limit, the mechanic can not charge you for diagnosing the exhaust system since it's covered by the recall, the dealer is re imbursed by Toyota for the claim. In most states if not all, it is illegal to charge a customer diagnostic fees if the repair is covered under warranty.