Toyota Repair: 1998 Sienna A/C Leaks, ring seals, replacement compressor

I just had the a/c compressor replaced on my 98 Toyota Sienna at 167,000 miles to restore A/C cooling. The original compressor was making a loud whistling noise when turned on and was not cooling. After compressor replacement cooling was restored for 1 day then stopped. I have not used the a/c since so as not to damage the replacement compressor. Please send diagram of probable areas freon leaks can or will occur and any related info or tips for sealing them. I purchased some stop leak but suspect the leaks are too big to seal so will not use it. Please
help! Thanks

Check underneat on the right side where the pipes come down to the rear, there is a junction where the front pipes connect to the rear, there are o-ring seals there that are very common source of the leak, also check along the freon pipes along the bottom where they go the the rear evaporator.