Toyota Repair: whats wrong with my 96 camry, plug connectors, fuel pressure
QuestionQUESTION: i have a 1996 camry. i drove it home. the next day it would not start. it turn over but would not start! it sat there for a month.i played with it two days ago switching started i drove around the block! it start a few times! now it want start again! i switch relays but it want start. can anybody help me with this!
ANSWER: When you say it won't start does the engine turn over but not fire up or does the engine not turn over at all.
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QUESTION: the engine turn over, but want fire.
AnswerThe first thing to do is to check for spark at the spark plug connectors while cranking the engine, if it has spark it may be a fuel pressure problem, try spraying some starting fluid into the intake and see if the engine runs for a short time if it does there is no fuel pressure.