Toyota Repair: 1998 toyota 4runner, toyota 4runner, radiator hose
QuestionQUESTION: Although there is a post on replacing the alternator on a 4-runner on this site, it doesn't indicate what year 4-runner. I'm replacing the alternator on a 98 4 runner and would like some guidance about how to proceed. I've been told you have to approach it from underneath, and that I may have to remove a radiator hose to get it off. Is that accurate and is the previous post about replacing an alternator accurate for a 98' 4 runner?
ANSWER: Hello, I just need to know if it's a V-6 or 4 cylinder?
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QUESTION: It is a V6
AnswerThere is a 14mm bolt that holds the alternator to the block, at the bottom is the 12mm set bolt, loosen this bolt and turn the release bolt on the side, to release the tension on the belt, the alternator will move until the belt can be pulled off, the remove the 14mm bolt and the set bolt and the battery cable from the battery, remove the 10mm bolt on the alternator with the heavy wire and disconnect the electrical plug, the alternator comes out through the top.