Toyota Repair: 86 toyota truck starting hard, fuel pressure regulator, airflow meter

QUESTION: Ted i couldnt get through on the other link. anyway i put a different fuel pressure regulator on and got the truck running.It is starting really hard and it went to missing i had  new plugs in it i think i fouled a couple of them so i will get some new ones, any other ideas why it starts so hard what would you check first after the new plugs

ANSWER: Also check the distributor cap rotor and the plug wires unless they were already replaced.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Ted, I replaced the spark plugs, cap and rotor tried to start it and its back to no start. I mean it dont even try to start. Pulled the number one plug out, checked the spark it has nice blue spark, plug was wet. certainly has me baffled whats next?

I don't remember what it was I recommended doing earlier so just a quick review and let me know:
injector pulse test
fuel pressure check
engine timing/distributor in correctly
compression test
check airflow meter connection
does it attempt to run by spraying a starting fluid in or with a seperate fuel supply?