Toyota Repair: 94 celica 2.2 a/t, vacuum hoses, oxygen sensor
QuestionQUESTION: I have a 94 celica 2.2 a/t and the check engine light is on
about a week ago and the code is 25 after looking in the repair
manual there are lots of possible problems for this code from your experience what is the most likely to be the problem for code 25 thanks for the help
ANSWER: It's an oxygen sensor malfunction code, does the engine run normally without missing or loss of power?
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: it runs normal no missing but I noticed that it lost little power thanks for the help.
AnswerTry replacing the oxygen sensor located in front of the catalityc converter, disconnect the battery for about a minute and see if the light comes back on. Or if it hasn't had a tune up in a while try doing that first, replace the spark plugs plug wires and distributor cap and rotor and the air filter and check for any vacuum hoses on the intake sytem that may be broken or disconnected.