Toyota Repair: 2008 Prius Warning Lights, negative battery cable, box reservoir
QuestionI bought a 2008 Prius brand new and have 158K miles on it. It just got out of the shop due to a front end collision with a semi truck. I believe the entire radiator was replaced along with the pump. I noticed a red liquid leaking from the radiator but when it was pressure tested, there were no leaks. Also, the overflow reservoirs of both the radiator and the power control unit were empty. While driving home from work yesterday, the red triangle, the check engine light and the VSC light (circle with an I in the middle) came on and turned off the cruise control. I continued driving home and when I checked the overflow reservoirs, the radiator was ok, but the power control box reservoir was empty. I filled it again (the repair center gave me a gallon of the special fluid from Toyota) and the circle with the I in the middle went off. The red triangle and the engine light are still on. Could the auxilliary battery need replacement or is my car on its way out?
AnswerThe red triangle(master warning light) will turn on when the hybrid computer detects a problem in this case it most likely came on because the a/c-d/c inverter was overheating due to low coolant, it is extremely hard and time consuming and requires a bleeding procedure to get all the air out of the system when the inverter is replaced or the coolant changed, you may be able to just add some coolant whenever it goes low in the tank, to clear the code disconnect the negative battery cable on the battery in the trunk on the right side under the cover, and drive it again and add more coolant when the reservoir gets low.